• A solution to the case where you need to handle too many screws with different type and orientation. Screw Locator analyzes the whole assembly or selected parts and finds the holes which are drilled for placing screws. Then it searches for the threads, if screw holes and the threads are aligning in the space then it concludes that a certain screw type can be placed in this found pair. Program does the same search for all selected parts and finally it reports out the parts which are joined by screws, number and type of the screw. If desired, the screw itself is created from a parametric model and placed in assembly tree.
• Analyze in 3-D space. Program does the analyze step in 3-dimensional space which means that the screws can be in any orientation. Program searches for the holes which aligns in space, and allows certain kind of screw to be placed in them. As an example to characteristic hole diameters lets consider M8 screw;
Screw Head Diam: 15.0 Body: 9.0 Thread: 6.8
Program searches for a matching pair in space. And it keeps the analyze till all the holes are processed. These characteristic diameters are editable by the user.
• Creating and placing the screws. If you like to create and place the screws, the program first checks if this type of screw is in the standard parts directory if not, first this screw is created from a master parametric model and is placed in standard parts directory. User does not worry about creating a screw, washer or a nut.
Supported standards in current version of the program:
Screw :
• DIN_912 hexagon socket head cap screw
• DIN_931 hexagon head setscrew
• DIN_7991 hex socket C/sink head screw
Washer :
• DIN_433 washer for socket cap screws
• DIN_125 plain washer
• DIN_6796 conical spring washer
Nut :
• DIN_439 hexagon lock nut
• DIN_934 hexagon full nut
• DIN_982 self locking nut
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